Seniors Section
Senior Captain - Bob Graham
Senior Secretary--Phil Turrell
Senior Treasurer- Roly Slassor
Every male member of RGC who is aged over 55 automatically becomes a member of the Senior Section. It doesn't matter what type of membership he has. The Section operates with delegated authority to organise open and internal competitions. It organises matches with other clubs and sometimes entry to their open events. The team is known as the TOFFS ( the over 55’s)
Matches are serious but not too serious. Team members' handicaps cover the whole range from single figures to 28+. No one need hold back worrying about the quality of their golf. If you are 55, an RGC member and have a handicap you can play in TOFFs matches. We try to give everyone an equal chance to play!
Details of the dates for matches and competitions are published on the club website. Entry fees for the Senior competitions and TOFFS match fees are nominal.
The Senior Section holds an AGM each year, has a constitution, appoints a senior captain, vice captain, secretary and treasurer to manage its affairs. The section may nominate a Non-Executive post on the Board of Directors.